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EMAX® Crowns, Bridges and Inlays: The Ultimate Solution for Your Dental Needs

If you have a tooth that has been damaged, lost or decayed, you no longer have to worry about it affecting your smile or your bite. EMAX® Crowns, Bridges and Inlays are the ultimate solution for any dental problems.

What are EMAX® Crowns?

EMAX® Crowns are porcelain crowns that provide a natural-looking, long-lasting restoration. They are made from high-quality materials and are designed to match the color of your teeth, giving you a bright and uniform smile. EMAX® Crowns are incredibly strong and durable, and they can easily withstand the stresses of your daily routine.

What are EMAX® Bridges?

EMAX® Bridges are a great solution for missing teeth. They are custom-made prosthetics that are anchored to your surrounding teeth, providing a secure and stable replacement. EMAX® Bridges are designed to look and feel like your natural teeth, which means you can chew, speak and smile comfortably and confidently.

What are EMAX® Inlays?

EMAX® Inlays are porcelain restorations that are used to repair rear teeth that have been damaged due to decay, trauma or wear. They are designed to fit perfectly into the grooves of your teeth, providing a long-lasting and natural-looking restoration. EMAX® Inlays are incredibly durable and can last for many years with good oral hygiene.

Why Choose EMAX® Crowns, Bridges and Inlays?

EMAX® Crowns, Bridges and Inlays provide a superior alternative to traditional restorations. They are made of high-quality materials that offer a natural and aesthetic appearance while providing durability and functionality. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose EMAX® Crowns, Bridges and Inlays:

1. They offer a perfect fit and natural look, blending seamlessly with your natural teeth.

2. They are biocompatible, meaning that they are less likely to cause an adverse reaction in your body.

3. They are strong and durable, providing long-lasting results.

4. They are made from high-quality materials that are resistant to staining and discoloration.

5. They offer quick and easy restoration of your smile, saving you time and money in the long run.


Q:How long does it take for a lab to make a crown?

A:Crowns made in a dental lab can take up to two weeks to create, so patients often have to wait before getting a permanent crown. Fortunately, temporary bridges or crowns can be placed on the mouth during this waiting period so patients do not have to go without teeth.

Q:What are laboratory processed crowns?

A:Dental Lab created crowns are considered to be the traditional type of crown. Your dentist will use a material, such as a specialized dental putty, to create a cast of the tooth. This cast will be sent to a lab, along with some information on tooth coloring, where the crown will be created.

Q:How to choose a dental lab?

A:You need to find a dental lab with shared values. A laboratory’s reputation should factor into the equation when choosing a laboratory. Referrals from colleagues is a good place to begin to look for a lab that produces high-quality work and exhibits good communication with dentists.

Q:What is made in a dental lab?

A:They are used to manufacture or customize a variety of products such as crowns, dentures, bridges, and other important dental products. Prosthodontists prefer to have their own dental labs in order to make sure their patients receive the best fitting and highest quality products

Q:What makes a good dental lab?

A:A dental lab should not only provide a dental practice with high-quality products and services, but it should also help its customers stay informed and up-to-date with dentistry techniques, processes, and advancements.

Q:Which dental filling is best?

A:Composite fillings are an attractive option because they can be closely matched to the color of your teeth. However, composite fillings are more expensive than silver amalga

In conclusion

EMAX® Crowns, Bridges and Inlays are the perfect solution for anyone looking for a reliable and effective dental restoration. They offer a natural and aesthetic appearance, are durable and long-lasting, and provide a quick and easy solution for any dental problems. So, if you are looking for a comfortable and confident smile, make sure to ask your dentist about EMAX® Crowns, Bridges and Inlays today!