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Why We Recommend Dental Digital Impressions for Your Dental Procedures

Dental digital impressions have revolutionized the way dentists take impressions of their patients’ teeth. Instead of using traditional methods that include messy and uncomfortable materials, digital impressions use advanced technology to create a three-dimensional image of the teeth.

There are several reasons why we recommend dental digital impressions. Firstly, the accuracy of digital impressions is unmatched. Traditional methods are prone to error due to factors like human error, distortion, and shrinkage. With digital impressions, the image captured is precise and can be viewed from different angles. This accuracy ensures that the restorations created fit perfectly.

Here are some reasons why we recommend dental digital impressions for your dental procedures:

1. More Accurate Results

Digital impressions offer greater accuracy when creating dental models. They provide a 3D image of the teeth, gums, and mouth, which allows the dentist to get a more accurate representation of the patient’s bite and teeth alignment. The digital model can be used to create custom dental restorations, orthodontic appliances, and dental crowns that fit perfectly.

2. Faster Turnaround Time

Digital impressions can be completed in a matter of minutes, whereas traditional impressions can take up to thirty minutes to produce a mold. This means that dental procedures can be carried out more quickly without sacrificing quality. Dental restorations, such as crowns, can be produced faster, reducing the time patients need to spend in the dental chair.

3. Improved Comfort for Patients

Traditional impressions require the use of a putty-like material that can be uncomfortable, especially for patients with a sensitive gag reflex. Digital impressions, on the other hand, are non-invasive and require no physical contact with the patient’s mouth. The scanner used for the digital impression takes images of the mouth, which means patients experience less discomfort during the procedure.

4. Digital Impressions are More Environmentally Friendly

Digital impressions eliminate the need for messy and non-biodegradable impression materials. This means that dental practices that use digital impressions contribute less to environmental waste. Since the impressions are digital, they can be stored on the computer and shared electronically, reducing paper usage.

5. Improved Communication Between the Patient and Dentist

Digital impressions allow patients to see a 3D image of their teeth, gums, and mouth on a computer screen. This improves communication between the patient and the dentist, as patients can see what the dentist sees. Patients can also have more input in the design of their dental restorations, making them feel more involved in the process.

In conclusion

Dental digital impressions are the way forward in dentistry. They offer unparalleled accuracy, are quicker, more comfortable, and eliminate the risk of human error. The eco-friendly aspect of digital impressions is a bonus that highlights the importance of technology in improving the dental field. We highly recommend digital impressions for anyone that needs dental restorations.